Closing defense | Used clothing as art | New plan for Sears | News

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fence defense

Echo Park: Los Angeles Times columnist Gustavo Arellano wonders if LA is taking a conservative turn now that he has received unexpected responses to a tweet about Echo Park. After NBC showed an aerial view of Echo Park Lake during Super Bowl coverage, Arellano tweeted, “Does [footage] show the fence that prevents people from living there? The surprise? Democrats and Progressives responded to the tweet by praising the restoration of order to Echo Park. As the city prepares for the mayoral race, Arellano writes, “Los Angeles in 2022 looks like Orange County circa 1994.”

second hand clothing art

Glassell Park: The Goodwill store on San Fernando Road and Fletcher Drive has turned some of its unsold clothes into an art exhibit, LAist reports. Contemporary artist Spencer Lewis constructed and painted the canvases and sculptures. The curator, Darren “DRx” Romanelli, had the garments assembled by the American Sewing Guild Los Angeles Chapter. The results include a giant banner made up of souvenir t-shirts and denim rugs made from old jeans.

New package for Sears

Boyle Heights: The former Sears store that closed last year could be turned into what the owner calls a life reconstruction center for the homeless, ABC7 reported. The historic building on Olympic Boulevard and Soto Street and the 26 acres surrounding it would house 5,500 people and include a medical clinic, mental health support and job training under a plan by owner Izek Shomof. He and his family would spend $400 million on the project and then lease the resort to the city of Los Angeles for around $23 million a year. Shomof planned to develop the historic landmark for commercial and creative housing and office space.

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